Certainly the most unique aspects of our school program are the themes of Science and Technology, Chinese language study beginning in grade 1, and our field study trips. Given these interesting features, we still understand that leading students to master reading, writing, and mathematics is the core of our mission as educators. Reading and writing is taught using the Columbia University Teachers College Readers' and Writers' Workshop approach. In fact, we have become a lab site for Readers' and Writers' workshop for the CREC magnet schools.
Teachers use a variety of teaching methods and instructional strategies to integrate thematic, inquiry-based science into the Next Generation Science Standards-based curriculum. The school's model for leaning encourages innovation and higher-level thinking skills aligned with both state and national standards in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM.)
The GEHMS Science Lab in a unique "hands-on" leaning environment for young children that builds upon their natural curiosity. The specially designed laboratory space provides PreK through grade five students and teachers with the tools and materials needed to explore questions they have in the areas of biology, physics, earth-space sciences and engineering.
Outdoor field studies are also an important part of the GEHMS science curriculum as students work as scientists to answer questions about the world around them. Students investigate life and seasonal changes in their school-yard, local pond, river and also ocean environments.
The GEHMS planetarium is a tremendous school resource. The planetarium programs immerse students in stunning visualizations of our solar system and exploration of the universe beyond. Planetarium programs are integrated into the science curriculum. The stars are not the limit for any of our GEHMS students!

NASA Explorer School
In 2007 GEHMS was one of 25 schools school in the nation selected to become NASA Explorer Schools.
NASA has partnered with GEHMS and other NASA Explorer Schools around the nation in many special all-school projects. On two occasions GEHMS teachers flew student microgravity experiments on board the NASA Zero-G aircraft over the Gulf of Mexico.
GEHMS students have also designed experiments to fly on the International Space Station and on board sounding test rockets.
For several years teams of GEHMS students have taken control of a NASA 10-story, radio telescope, part of the NASA Deep Space Network, located in the Mohave Desert, California from a computer in our GEHMS science lab.
Students analyzed their findings for these extensive projects and presented their work at the New England Air Museum, live video, websites and local news.
GEHMS continues to incorporate NASA activities, live events and curriculum resources into the over-all school curriculum.
Technology is integrated into the GEHMS curriculum. Students visit the computer lab weekly and use classroom computers on a daily basis. Students use technology to share their ideas. Just about every student report has a technology connection. Technology is also integrated into the science program to allow students to analyze data and present graphs and charts to show their learning.

Taking advantage of young children's exceptional language learning ability, children are taught Chinese and customs, encouraging them to be sensitive, effective, and thoughtful communicators.